Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Today's Appointment

Today was a sobering day.  Walking into the Carbone Cancer Center at the UW Hospital was like entering the twilight zone.  I just couldn't believe that I would ever be in this position, I don't think anyone would ever think they would be in this position.  I appeared to be the youngest one there and even with the patients who were donning oxygen masks and bald heads I felt like I caught the most looks there.  It was a very soothing, relaxed and nice atmosphere, as much as it could be I guess.
I first had a meeting with the nurse practitioner who ran down all of my medical history and asked me an interesting question.  She asked why "I" believed I was there and what I was told by my doctor as to why I was there.  I told her that I was told a level was elevated in my blood work that had a possible marker that my tumor was cancerous.  She started off by reassuring me that it was not certain by any means that I did in fact have cancer.  She and the doctor both stressed that this was merely a precaution in case it ended up the tumor was cancerous.  The only indication they have that there is a possiblitiy of cancer is that the Inhibin level was a bit high in regards to the range for my age.  The doctor said that other than this little glitch in my blood work everything else checked out good including the CT scan.  But, because this level was elevated they wanted to make sure I was put into the hands of someone that could be sure and take care of things correctly IN CASE there was cancer found during the surgery.  Unlike my regular OB doctor they have the capability of staging me for cancer if something is found and getting rid of it in the correct manner.

Going forward from here the plan is to take the tumor out.  Along with it the ovary for sure, mostly because it is encased in the tumor.  Dr. Al-Niami will take out the tumor and ovary by a laproscopic procedure through my belly button.  He will then run the tumor over to pathology and put a part of if under the microscope.  If it checks out normal they will come back close up my small incision and wake me up and it will be a outpatient procedure.  IF, for some reason they find some cancerous cells they will then have to open me up and do a remove and debunk process.  This means doing an incision, performing a hysterectomy and getting rid of any suspicious cancer cells and checking over all the other organs in my lower abdominal region. 
The Dr. did say that the chances that this is cancerous is very slim but overall they just want to be cautious.  I am being very optimistic in believing everything will be just fine and I will be in and out of the with the least evasive procedure and this will be behind me.  However, I still find it hard to not focus on the possibility.  I guess that is probably normal.  I do feel a sense of peace just knowing what is going to happen now!  I am scheduled for surgery on the 30th of October so I won't have to be in limbo much longer!  I know I am in good hands and was really impressed with my Doc and all of the staff there.  Seems like they have this all down and have done it a few times over :)
Thank you to everyone for your tremendous support and please keep the prayers coming!

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