Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Today is the day

Twiddling my thumbs till surgery time. Have to check in at noon for a 2pm surgery. Just ready to get it all behind me!
Picked up my Mom yesterday. Kay will be coming up to the hospital later along with my dad. Not sure if I will be released to come home tonight or tomorrow. Probably wont know till after surgery. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Today's Appointment

Today was a sobering day.  Walking into the Carbone Cancer Center at the UW Hospital was like entering the twilight zone.  I just couldn't believe that I would ever be in this position, I don't think anyone would ever think they would be in this position.  I appeared to be the youngest one there and even with the patients who were donning oxygen masks and bald heads I felt like I caught the most looks there.  It was a very soothing, relaxed and nice atmosphere, as much as it could be I guess.
I first had a meeting with the nurse practitioner who ran down all of my medical history and asked me an interesting question.  She asked why "I" believed I was there and what I was told by my doctor as to why I was there.  I told her that I was told a level was elevated in my blood work that had a possible marker that my tumor was cancerous.  She started off by reassuring me that it was not certain by any means that I did in fact have cancer.  She and the doctor both stressed that this was merely a precaution in case it ended up the tumor was cancerous.  The only indication they have that there is a possiblitiy of cancer is that the Inhibin level was a bit high in regards to the range for my age.  The doctor said that other than this little glitch in my blood work everything else checked out good including the CT scan.  But, because this level was elevated they wanted to make sure I was put into the hands of someone that could be sure and take care of things correctly IN CASE there was cancer found during the surgery.  Unlike my regular OB doctor they have the capability of staging me for cancer if something is found and getting rid of it in the correct manner.

Going forward from here the plan is to take the tumor out.  Along with it the ovary for sure, mostly because it is encased in the tumor.  Dr. Al-Niami will take out the tumor and ovary by a laproscopic procedure through my belly button.  He will then run the tumor over to pathology and put a part of if under the microscope.  If it checks out normal they will come back close up my small incision and wake me up and it will be a outpatient procedure.  IF, for some reason they find some cancerous cells they will then have to open me up and do a remove and debunk process.  This means doing an incision, performing a hysterectomy and getting rid of any suspicious cancer cells and checking over all the other organs in my lower abdominal region. 
The Dr. did say that the chances that this is cancerous is very slim but overall they just want to be cautious.  I am being very optimistic in believing everything will be just fine and I will be in and out of the with the least evasive procedure and this will be behind me.  However, I still find it hard to not focus on the possibility.  I guess that is probably normal.  I do feel a sense of peace just knowing what is going to happen now!  I am scheduled for surgery on the 30th of October so I won't have to be in limbo much longer!  I know I am in good hands and was really impressed with my Doc and all of the staff there.  Seems like they have this all down and have done it a few times over :)
Thank you to everyone for your tremendous support and please keep the prayers coming!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


I had a strange thing happen to me today. I decided to take some time and research a few things on the Internet in regards to my situation. I was looking up some info on hysterectomy and hormone therapy, pros and cons and side affects, risks, etc. I admit it was all a bit too much and became very overwhelming for me. It the midst of my search the phone rang. It was my friend Nicole. She asked how I was doing and broke down in tears. She was so calm and sympathetic. Our conversation was very comforting to me. Nicole has been through this before having had thyroid cancer and I know she knew exactly what I was feeling. After getting off the phone with her I began to feel like that phone call just didn't happen by chance. I got the distinct feeling someone was looking down on me and they sent Nicole to comfort me today!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


So as I was making Graces bed today I came across an old photo of Aaron and I under her pillow! It kind of brought a sweet tear to my eye. Although, It makes me wonder.... Does she swear and curse us after we have punished her? Is it like a voodoo doll? I guess it's a good sign I found it in one piece! Lets hope it stays that way. Of course I did put it back under her pillow :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

CT Scan

CT scan today.  Pretty much a piece of cake although cake would have been a lot better tasting!  That burium stuff they make you drink is enough to make you gag.  The contraption they put you through looks space age and you feel like your floating as it whiz's you through.  The whole process from the time they get you in the room, put the iv in and whiz you through maybe took 20 minutes!  I would much rather have had that than the prodding ultra sound!  Of course they don't tell you anything.  I talked to my doc today to confirm a few things and she said the results will go directly to Dr. Al-Niami in Madison for Tuesday's appointment.  So here I wait again.  I did ask her as to weather the ultra sound will show a definite sign of any cancer and she said no.  They are basically looking for any other growths on my other organs, great.  So, I certainly think that the waiting is the hardest.  I am stumped as to what questions I even have at this point cause everything is so up in the air.  The biggest question in my mind is as to weather to just opt for a full hysterectomy or not.  I kind of feel like rather than dealing with this all over again to just get rid of it all.  It also might not be up for debate if it is what the doc think needs to be done.  The literature I read from my doc calls for a full in the case of a granulose tumor.
As for now, I will do what I can to stay busy and make the time pass till Tuesday!

Monday, October 8, 2012

It all begins....

Tomorrow I begin the journey starting with my CT scan in the morning.  I just wrote a message to my doc here in Janesville and one of my questions was asking what the CT scan will show.  I know she said that they will be looking at all of my organs to make sure there are no other irregularities.  Great, another thing to worry about I don't need any more irregularities thank you!  I am wondering however if the CT scan will show any sign of cancer on the tumor?  I am just one of those people that wants to know, I can't handle this maybe crap, ha!  I like to have a plan.  I hate it that I don't have a surgery date yet its driving me nuts!
Anyway, I am not nervous about tomorrow.  I like it that there won't be any pain involved and I can just lay back and let the machine do its thing.  I am not looking forward to drinking that gross stuff but I will manage.  I had many offers from people to join me but I decided I will be fine on my own.  I figure I won't find anything out tomorrow so I will just go and get the job done!


Email I wrote to family and friends on October 7th:
Hello Friends and Family,
I am writing to inform you of some news I have received over the last few weeks.  I hate to be sending all you a message through email but there are so many of you out there that are good friends and family that it is just impossible to make this many phone calls and reiterate the information over and over can be exhausting.  However, I did feel I needed to find a way to communicate this information to the important people in my life.  It was important that you all hear this news straight from me rather than through the grapevine.  So please don't take offense that I haven't reached you in person

A few months back I had learned that I had a cyst on my ovary.  They had been monitoring it by ultrasound and over the course of 6 months it had doubled in size.  The doc had said it probably should just be taken out.  Before doing so they wanted to run some blood tests.  This past Friday I went in to go over the results with my doc.  One of the tests had come back with a marker that showed signs that the tumor could POSSIBLY be cancerous.  That being the case it was decided by my doctor that I needed to be turned over to a Gynecological Oncologist to be treated from here.  She referred me to a doctor that works out of the Carbone Cancer Center at the UW Hospital in Madison by the name of, Dr. Al-Niami.

From here I will be going back into the clinic in Janesville for a CT scan on Tuesday October 9th where they will check over the rest of my internal organs and look for any signs of cancerous growth anywhere else.  On Tuesday October 16th I will go into the Madison clinic to meet with Dr. Al-Niami and have my pre-op.  Surgery is not scheduled as of yet but I am guessing it will be done by the end of the month.

As far as the surgery and what it entails they are considering at the very least my left ovary and uterus will have to be taken out.  At the very most it will be a total hysterectomy.  The paperwork I have been reading from my doc says the recommendation is a full hysterectomy.  It is unclear how this will be performed yet, if it will be done by a robot laparoscopic or by an incision.   As for the type of tumor I have is called a Granulosa Cell Tumor.  I was told that if it is cancerous it would be localized to inside the tumor therefore removal of the affected areas would eliminate the need of any post operative cancer treatment, whew!  This type of tumor from what I understand won't be positively diagnosed as cancerous until they open me up and take a look at it.  The blood test done is only an indicator that there was marker for cancer being there.  Side note:  The test that indicates the big bad fatal cancer did come back negative, so big relief there!

As for how myself and family are doing.  I am holding up.  I understand that it is not yet "diagnosed" as cancer but that word is hard to look past.  Aaron has been great, he was with me at my appointment when we got the news and he has been very strong and supportive.  My immediate family and close friends here in Janesville have been wonderful.  Everyone is a little shell shocked and not knowing what to ask or say right now.  I have had tremendous amount of support from offers to take the kids, offered visits to take my mind off of things and any help I could need will be there when things start to roll.  That is part of the reason that I reached out to all of you as well.  You can never have too much support and prayers!  It is early in the game but I want everyone on my team for the pregame!  I believe that when all is said and done it will all be behind me and I can breathe a sigh of relief and that is what is bringing me peace with this right now!  As for the kids, the "C" word will not be mentioned, Owen won't understand and the word will only scare Grace.  We will let them know I will be having surgery but nothing much further than that unless it is really needed.

I will be sure and keep all of you updated as this process unfolds.  I plan to use my family blog as a update forum.  You can visit it at http://sagoking.blogspot.com/  I believe there is a way I can put your email address in so that you will be emailed as I make updates.  I also look forward to catching up with all of you 1 on 1 as the weeks go on don't hesitate to make the call to me if I don't get to you first.  You all mean the world to me and look forward to having your support and prayers!
Love to you all,