Well, I think I am able to say that Owen is officially potty trained!! Lets see, he told me one night as I was putting him to bed which I believe was Monday March 9th that he wanted to go on the potty and wear big boy undies. I told him that we could do that and start right away in the morning. Well, about 5 min. later he came out of bed and told Aaron he had to go, which he did!! The next day we put undies on. We had a lot of cleaning up to do that day but we didn't give up!! By the end of the week he somewhat had the hang of things but going #2 on the potty was still a chalenge. So, as of today in the last week and a half we have only had a few accidents here and there. Most of the time it is when he is busy playing outside. It sure has been nice not having to change poopy diapers or buy them for that matter!! So happy this is under our belt before summertime!!
On another note. We went to the grocery store today and Owen called some old lady Mrs. Potato Head. I think she was hard of hearing and couldn't tell exactly what he said. She just said your sure right, laughed and kept moving!
I also heard him talking to himself at the store while in the produce section. There was a baby making some noise. I heard Owen say, "Its ok baby, don't cry. Are you hurt baby? Im a doctor, I can help you baby. What hurts baby? Your head? Let me see baby. Ohh, baby you will be ok, Im a doctor and I can fix it." What a ham!!
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