Let the race begin!! Grace had gotten 4 birthday invites over the last 2 wks, all for this Saturday and Sunday! Plus her and Dad had plans to go to the Home Depot kids workshop Saturday morning! Whew, this all makes for a very busy and exhausting weekend! We decided to bow out on the last b-day invite that she received at the beginning of the week. It was a 24hr. party with bowling on Sat. morning and then going back to her friends for a sleepover. We had already RSVP'd to 3 parties so I thought we had better skip this one! So, needless to say she still has a very busy weekend. We started this am with Dad and Grace going to Home Depot, room cleaning to follow, dance in Beloit at 12:30 then the first party at 2pm. Tomorrow she will have a bowling party for her good friend Brandon and his twin Mitchell from 12-3 and then ice skating with our neighbor Becca at 5:45!! Its sure to be a fun filled weekend!!
You ALL should sleep well tonight! Hugs and Kisses for everyone.. Great Pics of the Big O....